Is there going to be Black Clover Season 5?

Black Clover, a renowned Japanese anime series that is both written and illustrated by Yūki Tabata. The series initially aired on October 3, 2017, and it ran successfully till December 8, 2020. After the release of its four thriving seasons, now there are concerns regarding the renewal of Black Clover Season 5.

The series shifts the audience into a world where magic is a significant part of everyone’s lives. Everyone except Asta, an orphan, possesses magical qualities. Asta and his adoptive brother Yuno dream of becoming Wizard Kings however for Asta it seems almost absurd. 

Black Clover anime has four seasons to date consisting of 170 episodes, animated by Studio Pierrot (of NarutoBleach fame) and directed by Tatsuya Yoshihara (Jujutsu KaisenBarakamonNaruto as key animator).

The Black Clover manga however went on a little hiatus for 3 months before the release of its final arc as the creator of the manga Yūki Tabata decided to rest for a while before penning down chapter 332. 

But thankfully for fans, the hiatus has come to an end. Chapter 332 which is coming after the release of Black Clover chapter 331 in April, is set to release on 31st July. According to VIZ, Black Clover Chapter 332 will be published in Issue #35 of Shonen Jump.

Though Viz media has speculated the date to be 31st July, the date is yet to be confirmed by the creator himself.    

Black Clover Season 5 Trailer 

The studio behind Black Clover, Pierrot, has not yet confirmed season 5, hence there is no Black Clover Season 5 trailer out yet. Relying on a statement made in February 2021, the franchise predicted the episode published on March 30, 2021, would be its final episode. Therefore Black Clover episode 171 appears to be unattainable right now. Also, in the absence of material, it was presumed and debated too about the possibility of Black Cover 5 in the future.

In the midst of this upsetting time, there is a positive message for the Black Clover enthusiasts. Black Clover franchise has released a trailer for their upcoming movie. The Black Clover movie trailer was aired on YouTube and it confirmed that the movie will be available for the audience in 2023.

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On their official website, they also confirmed the Black Clover Movie to be out next year, 2023.

Recently Black Clover: The Movie (2022) Teaser came out on Youtube and needless to say, fans are excited. 

When will Black Clover Season 5 release(rumors)? 

It was assumed that due to the lack of content close to the end of Black Clover Season 4, the chances of another Season coming up was very remote. But what troubled everyone most was the climax. It has left the fans to wonder why it came to an end when Asta befriends Liebe. The suspenseful ending would’ve made the time skip look a lot better.

Black Clover Season 4 Episode 16 adapted chapter 272 that got released in November 2020. It was the same timeframe during which season 4 was in production. After a time-lapse of 19 months, we find that the issue of lack of content no longer stands valid. The Black Clover manga has added 60 chapters. The mangaka Yuki Tabata has confirmed about his comeback with the next chapter on 31st July.

These new 60 chapters can be adapted into 40 episodes approximately, sufficient enough to last for a season. As Tabata had revealed in Chapter 331, the next set of chapters will cover the final act of the series and will be a long one.

With this Black Clover Season 5 has suddenly become a reality. With the Black Clover movie getting a release in the Winter Anime lineup in 2023, Studio Pierrot is not likely to make an announcement about the return of Black Clover Season 5 anytime.

However, fans should not lose hope in not getting to see the end of the tale of Asta, Yuno, and the Wizard king.

Stay tuned for updates on the new Black Clover Season 5 and the Black Clover movie and all the good stuff from your favorite titles. In the meantime, don’t forget to let us know your picks from Upcoming anime 2022 anime releases, and let us know all you plan to watch in the upcoming season!

A newborn anime enthusiast who has taken up the passion of watching and reading anything anime

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