Shaman King is a Japanese manga series created by Hiroyuki Takei. The original anime adaptation for the series began in 2001 and lasted for about 64 episodes. In 2021, the anime got a reboot and began in April 2021 and is ongoing on Bilibili. Netflix has decided to stream the 52 episodes of anime worldwide on August 9.
The plot for Shaman King revolves around Yoh Asakura, a shaman who exists at the bridge between the living and the dead. Yoh wants to become the Shaman King and attain the ability to communicate with the Great spirit and take it upon himself to reshape the world using the wish of the Great Spirit. But to do so, Yoh must participate in the Shaman fight and compete with other Shamans for the title of the victor.
Hao Asakura takes on the battle with Yoh and defeats him. He realizes his dream of a world for Shamans only. Hao becomes the Shaman King but as fate has it, the journey of Yoh and his companions is far from over. The anime has a rating of 6.7/10 on My Anime List and is expected to air with 52 episodes.
Shaman King was serialized in Shueisha’s Weekly Shonen Jump Magazine in 1998. After its sudden ending in 2004, the true ending of the manga was revealed by Hiroyuki Takei in 2009.
Shaman King Trailer
Shaman King Episode 18, 19 New Release Dates
Shaman King 18th and 19th episodes of the anime were scheduled for release on July 29th and August 5th originally. However, due to the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics being held in Japan at the moment, the release of the two episodes will be delayed by 2 weeks.
The official website for the anime revealed that Episode 18 will be releasing on August 12th 2021 instead of July 29th. Shaman King Episode 19 will stream on August 19th 2021 rather than August 5th. This is one of the many anime series that will see a gap in the episode release schedules due to the Olympics. It includes the likes of Welcome to Demon School, Iruma-kun, Love Live! Superstar!!, Major 2nd.
The anime reboot will be adapting 35 volumes of the manga’s new complete edition and will be made into 52 episodes. Netflix will be globally releasing the anime on its platform on August 9th! Look out for this exciting release! Viz Media also hosts 32 volumes of the original manga
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