The anime series To Your Eternity or Fumetsu no Anata e is an adaptation of the popular manga series by Yoshitoki Oima. The manga was originally serialized in the Weekly Shonen Magazine and has been published since 2021. The series is an emotionally rich narration of an immortal being, called the Orb or Fushi and his interactions with beings in the mortal world. With the subbed series already streaming, the English dubbed version has also begun its run.
What is the plot of To Your Eternity?
At its very core, the story takes you into an emotional journey of an immortal being call the Orb or Fushi. The irony lies in the fact that Fushi comes to earth without the capacity for emotions or even an identity. He is capable of taking the form of those who leave an impression on him. As a perfect representation of a slice of life anime, this series delves into questions of identity, relationships, personal development and dealing with hardships.
Fushi gains companions in the form of March and Parona as he traverses conflicted lands and is opposed by destructive forces called The Knockers. The Beholder, the one who sends Fushi to earth gives him a purpose to preserve the world.
There are existentialist undertones of choosing your own path, endurance and finding meaning in the life chosen. While it deals with heavy themes, the aesthetics and music of the anime push it to yet another level. Easy to say, it would be an unfortunate miss to leave this out of your watch-list.
For lovers of anime like Sket Dance, ReLife and Tatami Galaxy (an obscure and complex delight), To Your Eternity is a perfect watch for heart-soaring deep content that stays with you for years. The series has excellent reviews with 9.1/10 on IMDb, a score of 8.61 on My Anime List and added critical acclaim since its release in Spring 2021.
To Your Eternity Trailer English Sub
To Your Eternity English Dub Cast
The Voice Actors for the English Dub for To Your Eternity as of now are:
- Jacob Hopkins as Fushi
- Cory Yee as The Beholder
- Sarah Anne Williams as March
- Valeria Rodriguez as Parona
- Mathew David Rudd as March’s Father
- The English Voice Actors for Gugu, Hayase, Pioran, and Shin are yet to be revealed.
Where can I Watch ‘To Your Eternity English Dub’
The anime series has been released in Japanese and English Subtitles. The schedule for the dub release is currently out and available. The dubbed series began its run on 31st May 2021. As of now, Episode 3 for the anime has been released. The released episodes can be found on streaming sites as well as other hosting websites.
Crunchyroll offers the To Your Eternity in Spanish, Portuguese, French, and English Dub languages. Unfortunately for viewers in India, the series remains inaccessible. Websites like GoGo Anime contain both versions and update new episodes on a weekly basis.
When can I watch the ‘To Your Eternity English Dub’ Episode 4?
A release window for episodes confirmed by Crunchyroll is every Sunday at 2 AM PDT/4 AM CDT/5:30 AM EDT/10:30 AM BST/11:30 AM CEST but these timings are subject to change.
Read on to find when you can watch ‘To Your Eternity English Dub’ Episode 4 in your region on Crunchyroll!
Pacific Standard time – 2:00 AM PST Sunday, 21st June 2021 (America)
Central Standard time – 4:00 AM CST Sunday, 21st June 2021 (America)
Eastern Standard time – 5:30 AM EST Sunday, 21st June 2021 (America)
British Time- 10:30 AM BST Sunday, 21st June 2021 (UK)
Central European Time- 11:30 AM CET Sunday, 21st June 2021 (Europe)
To Your Eternity Dub Episodes Schedule
Upcoming episodes are scheduled as below. The timings for weekly drops will be same as mentioned above unless Crunchyroll decides to make a change. Mark your calendars, I am sure you will not be disappointed
- Episode 4 – 21st June 2021
- Episode 5 – 28th June 2021
- Episode 6 – 5th July 2021
- Episode 7 – 12th July 2021
- Episode 8 – 19th July 2021
- Episode 9 – 26th July 2021
- Episode 10 – 2nd August 2021
- Episode 11 – 9th August 2021
- Episode 12 – 16th August 2021
- Episode 13 – 23rd August 2021
- Episode 14 – 30th August 2021
- Episode 15 – 6th September 2021
- Episode 16 – 13th September 2021
- Episode 17 – 20th September 2021
- Episode 18 – 27th September 2021
- Episode 19 – 4th October 2021
- Episode 20 – 11th October 2021
While the shared schedule has mentioned these dates, please note that possible changes can be made.
Spring 2021 has brought a lot of anticipated releases to viewers who have been patiently (or impatiently) anticipating announcements. Summer 2021 is bringing in Demon Slayer Season 2 and much-anticipated releases with a possible window of Winter 2022 like Haikyuu Season 5 and the upcoming My Hero Academia Movie: World Heroes’ Mission. Let us know which anime series you excited about!
With absolutely stunning reviews, a compelling and touching storyline, an amazing enable of voice actors and the dubbed version in progress, To Your Eternity is definitely one of the best releases of the year. Is it making it to you watch-list? Let us know your reviews and all the upcoming stuff that you are excited about!!